Saturday, November 20, 2010

What I've learned about me

So, I realize I haven't posted in a LONG time! It's been crazy getting back to work, most of the time I'm not even sure what day of the week it is, let alone try to write a post that anyone would be able to comprehend. To sum up the past few weeks, I am going to list all the things that I have learned about myself and being a mother......

1. A smile really can melt your heart.
2. Multitasking is an art.
3. Some of the best conversations I've ever had were had with only vowels.
4. Pacifiers are magical.
5. I can run on a string of 2 hour naps quite well.
6. Her pain is way worse than mine.
7. I don't feel bad about letting housework get out of control because I HAVE to hold her.
8. There really is a stay at home mom somewhere inside me. Something I never thought I'd say.
9. I want to take care of myself for her.
10. When I am not with her, I'm thinking or talking about her.
11. I loose track of time and run out of it quickly....speaking of, got a crying baby!

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